Sunday, August 27, 2006

20-08-2006 Kublov - Walk from Zdice to Kublov

This way I was not alone, my uncle took me for walking in forrests near the Prague. We got on the morning train and got off in little city called Zdice. From this moment I have no coordinates, all coordinates uncle with his nose for finding a good path.

Fortunately it's true so after 2-3 hours we found ourselves in village Kublov, where my dad and
uncle were spending part of their holidays in their children's time.

Our way

Some mushrooms we found, but it was not what we supposed


The light in the forrest was very poor, but I had mounted nikor 50mm/1.8D lens, so I tried to make photos with low aperture numbers. It's always fun, becouse you must give very big atention for DOF.

Mushrooms II

Anyway, the forrest is nice there, but we needed relax from the city at a first place.

Kublov - barn

Kublov is little village under the hill called Velíz
We visited some family there, "climbed" at the hill Velíz, visited the graveyard and caught the bus to Beroun city.

Duck in the Beroun city

The ducks were immediately at the bus station. If you want to have a nice shot of ducks (not like this), go there and you can almost speak with them. The are afraid of god's justice only as I could see. Everything shoted with 50mm lens!

Have a nice week all of you


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