Sunday, March 19, 2006

19-03-2006 Kozarovce - Krivin

This week I and my father went out on a little walk to place called Krivin. It's situated on the bank of river Hron near the village called "Psiare". Krivin is old Keltic fort situated on top of hill. Years ago there were maded archeological research, and it's archeological location marked on the map.

Good information is that spring is coming, but most of this day was sun behind the clouds and fog remains until the afternoon. The main purpose of this journey was snowdrops - as we explored almost whole hill, they just started to grow.

Some pictures :

Moss on the rock.

During climbing up and focusing on "not fall down" there was a lot of these plants.

I could swear, that these berries are Java beans.

But truly they are not. I like this picture, if you don't, simple skip it.


We found some islands of these beautifull flowers, but not a lot of them. The ground is still frozen.

Totem with the head.

Under the Krivin hill there is a camp on the bank of the river. Tramps sometimes camp there on summer, hunting bisons and torturing indians :-)

And this is myself sitting on the rock

At the top of Krivin

As I said, spring is coming, it will be nice to make photos in the nature. Good light to everybody.


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