30-07-2006 Prague - Zoo garden
Official website of Prague ZOO is http://www.zoopraha.cz you can find out a lot of usefull informations about events or actual actions happening in ZOO. From my point of view, this is very nice ZOO garden, even if I don't like animals in cages. I'll get back more times at this place.
Come to see some pohotos
I almost forget. Troja - it's very paintfull castle directly in front of ZOO entrance (or ZOO is near the Troja castle?). I want to make more photos, but they opened at 9 AM, I was there sooner. By the waym this photo was made through the hedge.
When you will see this rock with these almost live creatures, you are immediately at the gates of ZOO.
Unfortunately I'm not wild life expert, or not exotic wild life expert, so take it easy if I'm wrong and let me know.
Yeah, his name is Asik, and he is 19 years old. (congratulations, but he was poor man alreday - just bones and skin :-( . Good luck to you Asik)
Have a nice week everybody.