Friday, September 22, 2006

08-09-2006 Topolcianky - Edo a Janka wedding

I was invited for a wedding at 8.9.2006. The main actors are one of my best friends - Janka and Eduard. I know them since my students years, unfortunately i don't visit them very often. The location of wedding dinner party was choosen castle in Topolcianky - beautiful castle in the little village near. In past years it was a summer house of czechoslovak presidents. Around the castle there is beautiful large park for morning walks.

Park around a castle
Castle is little older, but have a very good atmosphere, like in historical films

Collonade in the castle

Wedding couple was accomodated in T.G. Masaryk's apartman, whole apartman breath with atmosphere of old times, I like it very much.

Masaryk's apartman

Wedding bunch

I came to Topolcianky 1 day before wedding and slept there. In the evening we talked to each other and I took some example shots, to learn shoting with borrowed photo flash (thankx to my uncle - it was system flash SB-600 on my Nikon D70).

Ok, let's wedding ...

Janka - the bride. Isn't she beautiful?

All together - making photos with photographist (he was from Topolcianky) in the park.

Couple again - already hungry ?

wedding chaise - just for a tradition

Bride's brother Stephen - great guitar player.

Stephen with singed Eve, his bridesmaid

She has very beautiful voice - first song was Ave Maria, the next "Kridla motyli" from Aneta Langerova.

Piece of mind after the wedding party.

This wedding was really awsome, I relaxed very well and met my old friends. I'm saing HELLO to all wedding's participants and wish nice autumn days.

Sorry for later posting.
I didn't post this photos for a longer time, becouse of work busy an photo post processing. (more than 600 RAW photos I sorted, and adjust ...)

Monday, September 04, 2006

02-09-2006 Jilove u Prahy - Avatar talk

This saturday I visited little village called Jilove u Prahy. The primary point was talk in the chantry, which leaded Milos Tomas from bookstore avatar (
To short waiting, I visited near graveyard. Many people dont't like graveyards. Honestly I like them, there is quiet. Everybody who is there realize that our life here is transitory.

Just one usefull photo was maded:

The grave

Nice week to everybody.